b'WIND ENERGYPROJECTS ONSTRONG GROWTHTRAJECTORYACROSS CANADABy Leo Ryan, AJOTFebruary 2023 | Published in AJOT Issue #750T hesecondlargestcountryintheenergy sectors grew markedly in 2022. capacity in Quebec. ofDecember31, world after Russia, Canada benefitsI am happy to see that, across Canada,AcrossCanada:As from vast areas offering abundant windthe sector grew by an impressive 10.5%2022, Ontario had more than 5.5 GW in resourceswithsignificantpotentialforthis year, said Phil McKay, CanREAs Seniortotalinstalledwindcapacity,powering the expansion of wind-generated power.Director,TechnicalandUtilityAffairs.nearly1.5millionhomes.Quebechad While some of the highest quality areasCanada now has an installed capacity ofnearly 4 GW. Alberta had a new total of are along coastlines and offshore, none ofmore than 19 GW of utility-scale wind and2.6GW,Saskatchewanhad804MWof the estimated three dozen offshore proj- solar energy, having added more than 1.8installed wind capacity, and Nova Scotia ects today have reached the approval orGW of new generation capacity in 2022. had 616.build phase. The development of coastalWesternCanadaaccountedfor98%AmongCanadianports,thePortof wind farms on the Great Lakes and else- ofCanadastotalgrowthin2022,withThunder Bay on the tip of Lake Superior, is wherehasbeendeterredespeciallybyAlberta adding 1,391 MW and Saskatche- continuing to develop its special vocation environmentallyinfluencedregulatorywan adding 387 MW of installed capacityas a strategic gateway to handle import issuesandlegalproceedings.Forthethis year. Quebec contributed 24 MW towindenergycomponentsdestinedfor present, only Nova Scotia, on the Atlanticthe total growth for 2022, Ontario 10 MW,windfarmsinWesternCanada.Our Coast, is seriously poised to become anand Nova Scotia 2 MW. abundantlaydownareaisanassetfor important player in offshore energy. The 2022 growth of 1.8 GW was sig- cargostagingandstorage,asisdirect nificantly larger than in 2021, although iton-dock access to the CN and CP railway Optimistic Outlook for does not meet the growth rate called fornetwork and the Trans-Canada Highway, Onshore Wind ProjectsinCanREAs 2050 Vision,Powering Can- said Chris Keikkinen, director of business adas Journey to Net-Zero,which statesdevelopment.But in the case of inland onshore proj- that Canada needs to deploy more thanWind continues to be a leading oppor-ects, the outlook is highly positive - with5 GW of new wind and solar energy everytunity for our marine business in 2023, he windfarmsspreadingfromtheeasternyear to meet its commitment to net-zerotold the American Journal of Transporta-andwesternregionstotheFarNorth.GHG emissions by 2050. tion. Adding, Keep an eye out for some More is on the horizon with reports thatoversized shipments at the port this year.the2023federalbudgetbeingunveiledWestern Canada Capacity Growingsoon will accord major priority and invest- St Lawrence ConnectionmentsforacceleratingCanadasenergyWind energy alone grew by 7.1% (1 GW) transition. in 2022 to a new total of more than 15Interestingly,locatedintheheartof Offering,meanwhile,agoodoverviewGW of installed capacity. In this regard,theSt.Lawrence/GreatLakesshipping of the evolving landscape is the CanadianWestern Canada blew ahead of the pack,corridor, one finds at Trois-Rivires (mid-Renewable Energy Association (CanREA),thankstobiggrowthinAlberta(nearlyway between Montreal and Quebec City) whosrecentlyreleasedyear-enddata605 MW) and Saskatchewan (377 MW),a leading manufacturer of wind towers in confirmed that Canadas wind and solaras well as some (24 MW) of new windNorthAmerica:MarmenInc.Asubcon-4'